Free Divorce Navigation Call

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You want to reduce conflict from your divorce or family separation, right?

But most people don’t have a clear strategy on how to make that happen.


A key priority is to make sure that conflict isn’t harming you financially or harming your relationship with your children - so you need a plan to:

  • Get back in control
  • Create a future to look forward to
  • Look your kids in the eyes and know you did your best to keep it peaceful (under the circumstances)


In a free Divorce Navigation Call I can give you the outline of a clear strategy that makes sure you don’t become a statistic of a divorce gone wrong.

For those who have had further help from me (by investing in a single 1-1 x 45 min session or in my 90 Day Programme) - here are some examples of what happened:


- Saved thousands of wasted money on legal fees. 

Couples typically spend £14,561 on legal and lifestyle costs when divorcing/separating (Aviva 2018). Many spend much more by ending up in court. I help them avoid that outcome. 


Because I’m like an architect, who knows how the whole thing comes together. Even the best builder can’t make a strong building in a swamp using the same foundations they’d use on solid clay, right? 

You have to know the landscape of divorce if you are to avoid making bad judgments and getting lost and confused in the process.

When I write a story (I love writing stories) I think about the structure, how each event moves the story along and what the ending is - the outcome. Providing a structure for a more peaceful divorce can save £25,000 - £50,000 on legal fees that you just don’t need to spend. Saving money is definitely a popular outcome with my clients.

What story do you want to create for the way you manage this divorce?


“The amount you pay now will give you a plan and the support you crave. A person there who has experienced the challenge of separation herself - has created a program to help you emotionally as well as practically rise to the massive challenge you face. The amount you pay now for the cynics among you....might save you £10,000 in legal fees down the line if you don’t." A.E. 


- Co-Parenting with strong boundaries in place.

Most of my clients have some concerns about how they will co-parent well in the future. Especially if they feel bullied by the other parent.  

I have three children and the eldest had just turned 6 when my life collapsed around me. Becoming a single parent wasn’t part of my plan! Despite the horribleness of the situation, my children were my inspiration to slowly build an effective co-parenting relationship that exists to this day. 

We had some ups and downs. I had to learn to stand up for myself and to put in very clear boundaries. 

What positive impact would a long-term parenting relationship that actually works for you, have on your children?


- Excited about their future life, starting over.

About 90% of my clients, whether on a single full Strategy Call/Zoom or the 90 Day Programme (5  full sessions), are not feeling excited about their future at the beginning. Most of them are unable to even think past the divorce. 

That has to change. 

Luckily, that’s usually the easiest part of my job due to the wide range of fabulous experts who are part of my Best Way To Divorce team - all offering no-obligation initial calls and sometimes whole sessions for free.

My own journey included walking barefoot over burning hot coals at an Anthony Robbins event; travelling for weeks round France with three small kids on my own; dancing; learning how to teach; doing a Horse Whispering course; starting a business ….. I crammed more into the next few years of my life than I’d done in my whole life before the split!

How would you feel right now if you had clarity about the future, ready to step into that new life?



"Talking to Suzy about my divorce process has totally transformed how I view my path ahead.  Suzy helped me see this as not just an admin process but a chance to build the future I want for myself and my young children. I came away from our meeting with a logical plan of how I could tackle the process one step at a time rather than just trying to leap to an end goal. I absolutely loved how for every worry I had, Suzy had an expert I could talk to.  The Secret Divorce Club is also a great resource and a wonderful community to be a part of.  I'll be forever grateful to Suzy for this positive starting block and for providing the valuable resources to take me through my journey."  S.P.


In the past week I have had a call with ... Suzy and I wanted to highlight how much wonderful information and advice ... a mine of information and it makes me feels so much more empowered going into my divorce. We know how much of a minefield it can seem, so to have someone supporting you and remaining calm and helping you to see the bigger picture, is invaluable.” F.W.


- Starting over unburdened financially and emotionally by the divorce

This is a very popular outcome of my clients. It’s not just about saving loads of money by not wasting it on paying lawyers to do stuff they don’t need to do, or that could be better done by someone else more qualified for that job (and less costly).  

It’s about having a clear financial plan for the future so you make the right decisions about how the assets need to be split. Avoiding nasty surprises like tax implications or gaining the family home but then running out of money and having to sell it anyway.

It happens. But it doesn’t have to happen to you. 

And dealing with the emotional/psychological aspects - that’s worth a whole session together. 

Which is why I offer a 90 Day programme with 5 individual sessions. It’s vital to deal with what’s happening to you on all levels to ensure your divorce is as peaceful as it can possibly be under the circumstances you are in.

But miracles do happen - stay open to all the positive outcomes - and don’t ever let that other spouse determine how you live your life, or handle your divorce!

My own journey led me to sharing part of my story as a TEDx Speaker and collaborating with the UK Ministry Of Justice in promoting more peaceful ways to divorce - but what matters most to me is I found ways to not be terrified if my kids’ dad stopped paying childcare support, and how I built a new life that makes me glad the old one ended. 


As a TEDx speaker and Divorce Strategist

I'm determined to change the way the family law system works

whether it's in the UK or USA 



What strategy have you put in place

to guarantee any of the above outcomes?


Let’s start with a Free Divorce Navigation Call

and take it from there……


© Best Way To Divorce™️ 2018.  All rights reserved



Begin with a Free Divorce Navigation Call:


In a free Divorce Navigation Call I can give you the outline of a clear strategy that makes sure you don’t become a statistic of a divorce gone wrong 


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